Ideas Into Action

A new activity where we encourage everyone to share their hidden skills with each other and a fun way to learn something new!


 icon-calendar-o To be anounced     F  R  I  D  A  Y  S

 icon-calendar-o 13 Riverside Ave,     W  E  R  R  I  B  E  E



What is this?

We sometimes don’t realize that the little tips, tricks, and skills we know, can be of use to someone else. Such as, how to hem a new pair of pants, adding a password to your phone, learning a little bit of Spanish, or maybe how to cook that meal you tried at Let’s Eat!. Which is why we thought it would be a great idea if we could share this knowledge with everyone who’s interested. The topics covered can vary from gardening, to arts & crafts, to technology and anything else you guys request!

This activity is open to the community so feel free to invite your friends. Contact us and let us know what you would like to learn and we’ll try setup the rest.


Do I need to bring anything?

This activity runs on donations so we will try to bring the essentials from past donations. However our resources are sometimes limited so if there is anything you can bring to help aid your study (such as ingredients, your own sewing kit, your own laptop, etc.) then we ask that you bring them along.


When is it?

Unfortunately, this is not a regularly held activity and will run according to the schedule of those who are interested and available. So we ask that you please keep an eye on our calendar or sign up with us on our contact page to let us know your available times and to get the latest updates.


What is the purpose of this?

This is part of the practice of love. We know that there are people who aren’t very good with technology, or never had the chance to learn how to cook, or simply don’t have anyone to talk to. That’s why, as a church, we don’t want people to feel this small lack of knowledge is holding them back in any way. Instead, if they’re willing, we want to help!  Our goal is to create a warm, fun and welcoming environment to teach & to learn. And at the end, what we hope to gain is:

  • People learning new skills they may not have thought possible before
  • People feeling useful and increasing their self-worth by sharing their skills
  • People learning the importance of patience when teaching
  • People learning how to socialize with others they thought they had nothing in common with before
  • People giving & feeling love from the community